Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Food find

While perusing the grocery store aisles today waiting for my Antibiotic to be filled at the pharmacy for yet the latest round of skin baddies being cutting off, I came across this new cracker from Nabisco. Tuscan herb Flatbread. Yummmmmmmm! So of course I had to go get some Kaukauna spreadable cheese to go on said Tuscan herb Flatbread! I think I may be in love! According to the box, there is also a Garlic and Parsley flavor, but I swear I saw two other flavors! The Tuscan herb spoke to me!

I think this will be a huge hit during the holidays. So many ways to dress them up or down. One caveat. They are VERY crisp, so a gentle hand when spreading any goodness on top is wise. Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of pieces. Which, whilst eating for oneself is fine. Serving to guests is a horse of an entirely different color!

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