Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I will be so happy...

when John gets home today. My ear bled some last night, so the Kotex-like bandage on my ear looks pretty gross. And I can't get it off by myself. I've not been able to properly wash my face since Monday morning and my hair has not been washed since Sunday night. I think I could solve the current oil crisis just from the oil in my hair! And here I thought I was done with oily hair once I finished puberty. Oh no! The oilyness just goes on hiatus til you hit menopause and then comes back with a vengance! I am looking very forward to standing under the hot water and just letting it beat on the top of my head. Funny the things you miss when you can't do them. Even for two days!

The ear does feel a bit better today. I think I actually slept more than I was awake last night, so that's a good thing. I put off taking a pain pill when I got up this morning and have not taken one yet. Still taking it easy, per the Dr's orders. Hopefully I can get out and run some errands tomorrow.


Liane said...

I hope you will be back to your snarky self before long!

Kim said...

Feel better soon, Sue.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you went and had it checked out Sue! The other spots checked out ok?
Hope you feel better fast.