Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mail surprise

Mailman pulls up in the driveway yesterday and blooooooooooows the horn. Heaven forbid he should have to get out of his truck! I go out and there's a package from Jeanne. http://orjustme.blogspot.com What's Jeanne sending me? I can detect a smell coming from the box, and silly me thinks she's baked me cookies. But why would Jeanne be baking ME cookies?! I get the box inside and open it and she's made me one of her fabulous little totes that she started making and I had to be a smart ass (I know...hard to imagine that out of me!) and tell her my favorite colors RE blues and browns. And there's also a bar of handmade Patchouli soap from http://www.hickoryridgeorganics.net/ which has a store over on the East coast of FL close to her. Beings how we are both of the 70's era in our growing up years, we share an affinity of patchouli. Mt bestest friend at the time and I used to burn patchouli incense so as to mask the smell of burning...ahhh...illegal tobacco-ish products in our cars so if the police stopped us, they couldn't smell the...oh nevermind!! I have the soap on one of the shelves in my bathroom and the smell is just heavenly. I almost don't have the heart to use it! Thank you again, my friend! I will enjoy using both of these gifts.

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